Howto restore destroyed Evernote LocalNoteStore.sqlite after MacBook crash

Recently, my MacBook Pro running Yosemite crashed while I was downloading data with a USB based GSM/UMTS data modem. Basically this was no problem, the system was restarted and all apps were restored in the state before the system crashed.

… all but ….


Evernote was started but notes were missing and all notebooks were gone – when I clicked on the „Notebooks“ icon, I got the error message that the file:


was corrupt – obviously destroyed when the system crashed. Also trying to sync all notes via my Evernote account from the server did not work.

Happily, I am using time machine — it was a challenge to find the location of the file „LocalNoteStore.sqlite“ because the file cannot be found searching your mac with finder or spotlight (as it is some kind of hidden system file).

After some internet research I was able to quickly restore my local evernote database:

I found my local accout data i.e. the file LocalNoteStore.sqlite and others stored at the path:

/Users/<my_userid>/Library/Application Support/com.evernote.Evernote/accounts/<some_account_id>

I quit the Evernote app.

I started finder, used the „go to folder“ shortcut (Shift+CMD+G) and directed the finder window to the base directory:


Then I navigated into „Application Support“ folder and „com.evernote.Evernote“ and „accounts“ subdirectories using finder (alternatively you can directly „go to folder“ /Users/<your_userid>/Library/Application Support/com.evernote.Evernote/accounts).

Then I selected the acccounts base folder „“, started Time Machine and restored the whole folder with all sub-folders to a Time Machine backup that was about 2 hours old.

After that, I started the Evernote app — everything was working fine again 🙂