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OneNote for Mac permanently crashing on startup

After activating my new MacBookPro by restoring data and apps from a time machine backup of my old machine, Microsoft OneNote did not work anymore. It kept crashing on startup permanently for no obvious reason. I found this helpful article that solved my issue:


1. Delete the following folders on your Mac:



2. On your Mac OS X, open “Keychain Access” app and search for “MicrosoftOffice”. If OneNote app recognized that you signed in, you’ll have entry with long name. Delete it.

3. Restart and  try to launch OneNote app and signing in again.)



Igor. Inishfree Westwind of Ashford Castle.

Ich könnte viele Seiten füllen mit Erzählungen über dich, doch kein online-Nachruf dieser Welt wird dir gerecht mein Freund!

Wir dachten lange Zeit du würdest sogar den Tod ignorieren, du coole Socke, doch deinen letzten Kampf konntest du nicht gewinnen. Danke für die knapp 14 Jahre, die du an meiner Seite warst, einen wie dich wird es nie wieder geben!

Du hinterlässt ein riesengroßes Loch in unserem Herzen!

Where is my.cnf located on Mac OS Sierra?

I had the urgent need to configure some specific stuff in MySQL 5.7 on my developer machine, a MacBook Pro running Mac OS Sierra. Unfortunately, I did not find a my.cnf file that could be customized anywhere?

Internet research showed that MySQL Database Server on Mac OS runs without a my.cnf config file by default, simply started with default values.

Luckily, it is pretty simple to customize the MySQL Server installation by creating and editing a custom my.cnf file like this:

sudo cp /usr/local/mysql/support-files/my-default.cnf  /etc/my.cnf

Then edit / customize the /etc/my.cnf file as required and restart your MySQL Server.



Duo CACIB Brno 2017

Last week we made a trip to Czech Republic to show Chap at the Double CACIB in Brno.

We went to achieve the last required ticket for Chap to become Czech Champion, unfortunately we did not succeed. Competition was really tough and the classes were huge, filled with high quality dogs all over (not at least due to the fact that the CACIB Brno also acted as Crufts qualification show).

The judges Mary and Martin O’Donoghue did great work, we appreciate their judging!

We are happy with the results we could achieve, Chap was rated:

  • V2 / Exc. 2, Res. CAC CZ on Saturday (judge: Mary O’Donoghue)
  • V3 / Exc. 3 on Sunday (judge: Martin O’Donoghue)

Chaps CH-SLO certificate arrived!

Finally, Chaps new champion certificate arrived!

ÖJCH ÖCH SLO-CH A Sense of Pleasure’s No Risk No Fun

We are happy and VERY proud!

Once again, big thanks to Manuel and Gudrun Mühringer of „von der Kaiserleiten“ Kennel, who helped us in showing Chap in Slovenia. Huge thanks also to Katrin and Ullrich Korff of „A Sense of Pleasure“ Kennel! Thanks for your trust, your support and guidance throughout the last years! It is mainly your success!

Picture of Chap with CH-SLO Certificate
Chap becomes CH-SLO